We follow PARENT company policies.
EduLab, Inc.
President and CEO: Manabu Hirozane
Established: September 1, 2016
EduLab, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “EduLab”) strives to contribute to society by providing education services that utilize leading educational measurement techniques and IT technology, implementing training activities conducted by schools and businesses, training human resources, and by providing support to individual educational activities.
Employees that conduct EduLab’s work, (hereinafter referred to as “employees,” will observe laws relating to the handling of personal information, policies established by the government and other rules. By precisely and safely handling personal information, they will properly control all information of our customers, employees and relevant persons, and maintain that trust.
Particularly, with regard to the handling of customer personal information in education services over the Internet, which is one of EduLab’s main businesses, EduLab will pay the utmost attention so that accidents do not occur, and proactively disclose and release information relating to EduLab’s handling of personal information so that its customers will not feel concerned or uncertain.
EduLab will obtain, use and provide the proper personal information according to the status of the business.
(1) Specify purpose of use of personal information
EduLab specifies, whenever possible, the purpose of use regarding the handling of personal information.
(2) Handling of personal information
EduLab will not handle personal information that exceeds the necessary scope of use to achieve the specified purpose of use when handling personal information. We will implement proper steps so that personal information will not be used for other purposes.
All employees will observe laws relating to the handling of personal information, and other directives and rules established by the government.
EduLab will prevent personal information leaks, and prevent and take correcting measures for loss or damage. For that purpose, we will analyze the risks of each business handling personal information, implement proper safety measures, and establish and implement safety measures for the personal information protection management system.
EduLab respects the rights of individuals relating to personal information. We will take immediate action regarding complaints and matters we are consulted about relating to personal information.
EduLab will continuously review and improve its personal information management system to support changes to the business and the company’s circumstances.
Contact for personal information inquiries
Contact for details on handling personal information, EduLab
Contact us at the following telephone or email address for complaints or to consult with us about our handling personal information.
Complaints and consultation regarding the handling of personal information, EduLab
TEL: +91 8888780183
9:30AM to 5:30PM (Excluding Saturday, Sunday, Holidays, and Year End/New Year)
EduLab, Inc.
Personal information protection administrator
Established: September 1, 2016
(1) Regarding personal information acquired other than directly through writing
1.1) Personal information over the telephone in response to inquiries about the services of EduLab, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “EduLab”) and details of its business, or in order to appropriately respond and manage inquiries.
1.2) In order to appropriately facilitate personnel management and administrative processes in group companies.
Note: In the event that EduLab specifies or provides notification about purpose of use the purpose of use shall be limited to that so stated.
(2) Personal information subject to disclosure
1.1) With regard to telephone or e-mail inquiries pertaining to EduLab’s services and details of its business
With regard to requests for disclosure and others, of information subject to disclosure, EduLab requests the person in question or their agent or proxy to ask us, by mail, for “a notice for the purpose of use,” “disclosure,” “correction etc.,” or “discontinuance of use etc.” Please send any of the above to EduLab, marked “Contact for complaints and consultation regarding the handling of personal information.” We will endeavour to respond as quickly as possible.
(1) The application form designated by EduLab
There are four types of “requests for disclosure and others,” as detailed below. Please use the application form appropriate to you. If you do not have one please ask us for one. We will post it to you.
1.1) Application form regarding the notice of the purpose of use of personal information subject to disclosure
1.2) Application form regarding disclosure of personal information subject to disclosure
1.3) Application form regarding the correction, etc. of personal information subject to disclosure
1.4) Application form regarding the discontinuance of the use, etc. of personal information subject to disclosure
(2) Personal information verification documents
1.1) In the event of an application by the person in question
Unnecessary (You may be contacted directly by EduLab to verify your identity.)
1.2) In the event of an application by an agent or proxy
All of the following documents that are applicable.
a. In the case of a Person Who Has Parental Authority (or a Minor Ward)
b. In the case of a Guardian of Adult (the statutory agent of an Adult Ward)
c. In the case of an attorney-in-fact
(3) Handling fees
A handling charge of 1,000 yen per document will be made for each “notice of the purpose of use” or “disclosure.” Please include a postal money order of the value of 1,000 yen in the documentation you send.
We will contact you if the handling fee is not included with the documentation we receive, but if we do not receive it within the specified time your requests for disclosure and others will be disregarded. Please note that we do not in principle return the documents sent to us.
Where to send
Personal information protection administrator
EduLab, Inc.
Nissin Aoyama Bldg. 5F, 3-2-4 Kita Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0061 Japan.
EduLab cannot accept responsibility for documents lost in the post or which do not arrive due to accidents. Please fill in all of the required items. The documents may be returned to you if incomplete.
We may not enable to reply to requests for disclosure and others in certain cases due to exceptive clauses in the Act on the Protection of Personal Information.
Depending on the details of your inquiry, it may take some time before answering you.
Personal information acquired that is associated with requests for disclosure and others will be treated only within the requisite scope of requests for disclosure and others. Written documents submitted will be appropriately discarded by EduLab.
Please be aware that you may not be able to continue using the service in question according to the results of “the correction, etc.” and “discontinuance of the use, etc.”
(Note 1) “Personal information subject to disclosure” is an assembly of information systematically arranged in such a way that specific personal information can be retrieved by a computer, or under certain regulations is an assembly of information systematically arranged and which when coordinated, classified, or by the adding of a table of contents, indexes, or codes etc., can facilitate the easy searching for personal information; it is information that in the event that an individual requests its disclosure, correction, additions or deletion of content, cessation of use, erasure or cessation of provision to third parties, EduLab has the right to respond. For more details, get in touch with: Contact for complaints and consultation regarding the handling of personal information.
Consultation point for inquiries about personal information policy, complaints, consultation, disclosure, correction, deletion, refusal of use or submission:
Please contact the “contact for personal information inquiries” indicated below if you have any inquiries about the purposes of use, complaints, matters you wish to consult us about, disclosures, corrections, deletions or refusal of use or submission regarding the personal information EduLab possesses.
Contact for personal information inquiries
Contact for details on handling personal information, EduLab
Contact us at the following telephone or email address for complaints or to consult with us about our handling personal information.
Complaints and consultation regarding the handling of personal information, EduLab
TEL: +91 8888780183
9:30AM to 5:30PM (Excluding Saturday, Sunday, Holidays, and Year End/New Year)
Data Classification: PUBLIC
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